Your Child's First Visit With A Pediatric Optometrist

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How Optometrists Help People See Clearly Hello. My name is Georgette Wilkinson. Welcome to my website about optometry services. When I first went to see my optometrist, they performed a thorough eye exam and determined that I could see quite well. Over the years, however, my vision declined and I developed a need for glasses. My optometrist immediately spotted the decline during a regular exam and helped restore my vision with corrective lenses. Through this site, I hope to help others see the value in acquiring regular optometry services. Please feel free to explore my site on a daily basis to learn more about how optometrists can help you see clearly.



Summer is the perfect time to schedule a pediatric eye exam. Schedule an exam with a child-friendly service provider. Then, prepare your child for their first visit with the optometrist.

Child Providers

Review some pediatric eye doctors within the region. Find out what an office appointment entails, plus the insurance forms that each provider accepts. Schedule an appointment with an eye doctor who normally caters to children who are the same age as your loved one.

Schedule an appointment that will support your child's schedule. If your child is young and still takes naps, the time of the appointment should not be during a time that your child will normally be napping. A morning appointment or a late afternoon appointment may be when your child is most attentive. If so, either of these times will be adequate for the eye doctor appointment.

Your Observations And Concerns

The first appointment will require you to fill out patient forms. Your observations about your child's eyesight, plus any concerns that you have, should be brought up during your child's first visit.

If your child's teacher has mentioned that your child has difficulty paying attention, for instance, it could be due to eye strain or the fact that they cannot see what their teacher displays on the classroom whiteboard.

If any eye issues exist in your family, prepare to discuss these with your child's service provider. Some eye problems could be hereditary. Providing your child's eye doctor with vital information about eye problems can be very helpful.


Use some games to help your child prepare for their first eye doctor appointment. If your child is familiar with the alphabet, use some card games to test your child's eye strength.

Purchase a set of cards that contains printed letters. Hold the cards up and stand back from your child. Request that your child recites each letter as you flip through the cards. Use eye charts and other tools to prepare your child for their appointment.

Packing For The Appointment

A child-friendly practice will likely have toys in the waiting room that patients can use. You may need to bring some other essentials, however. Pack a snack and a beverage to bring along to the appointment.

If your child is a little bit apprehensive about their first eye doctor appointment, allow them to bring a small toy with them. This toy may provide them with security. The toy that you select should be one that your child can easily hold onto. 

For more info, contact a local pediatric eye doctor

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